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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Work Place Influenza Pandemaic


Workplaces should plan to minimise the health and safety and business risks that could occur during a pandemic. There is no one, single pandemic scenario so response options should be developed for a range of possibilities which enable your business to respond flexibly. The steps you plan to take during a pandemic will determine how well your business recovers.

You need to plan with your employer now before a pandemic happens. Your workplace's plan should cover the steps your business will take before, during and after a pandemic. Successful planning will mean talking to your employer and getting involved, along with you're your customers and your suppliers.

Good health and safety practices will provide the best response to the risk of workplace infection. As employees, you should be involved in identifying and managing potential infection risks and developing alternative ways of working will enable you to keep your workplace open for as long as possible, or if it is an essential service, to remain open through a pandemic.

Good health and safety practices involve elimination, isolation and minimisation. In a pandemic situation, there can be a high risk of transmission of infection from close contact between people. There is no one, single response that can be planned for. Businesses need to be able to respond flexibly depending on the situation. Each business needs to assess what practical steps it can take to reduce the risk of transmission. For example:

Workplaces can eliminate the risks by preventing contact between people by:

- Arranging for staff to work from home.

- Staff should stay home if they feel unwell.

- Workplaces can isolate the risk of close contact between people at work by:

- Using 'Night Service' windows to reduce direct contact with customers.

- Arranging for staff to work shift or flexible hours, so that they come into contact with fewer people.

Workplaces can minimise the risk of infection by:

- Using the appropriate personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves for high people contact roles.

- Being vigilant about personal hygiene, such as hand washing.

- Making sure staff are trained on hygiene and the use of protective equipment.

- Providing space for workers to have distance from other workers in order to prevent spreading infection.

For more information on preparing for a pandemic, and to stay informed on new developments, contact:

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