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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

PPE in case of Pandemic

There is no one, single type of PPE that will reduce the risk of infection in every business circumstance. However, there are a range of options (involving eliminating or isolating the risk) that can be considered alongside PPE that will minimise the infection risk. When considering whether PPE has a role in your workplace, you need to look at whether it is appropriate or practical for your staff to use or wear PPE.

If you have identified a role for PPE in your workplace it will be important to provide training and facilities to maximise personal hygiene and enable people to maintain social distancing, therefore reducing the risk of cross infection. Ensure that stocks of the relevant PPE are available in advance.

For more information on workplace health and safety management and the use of PPE, go to Workplace PPE guide in the health and safety section.

PPE for Influenza pandemic is available from the following retailer:

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