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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ATVs - Factsheet

Fact that 52% of work-related fatalities reported to the Department of Labour from 2000 to 2005 involved a vehicle “off-road”. Of those incidents, the majority involved All Terrain Vehicles.
Statistics show that the summer months are when the majority of workplace injuries and fatalities happen so people need to take extra care.

Common errors

  • Speed – rushing and trying to do too much too quickly
  • Driving too fast for the conditions e.g. steep, wet and rough ground
  • Misjudging the ATVs capabilities and limitations
  • Overconfidence, complacency and a lack of concentration
  • Overloading, uneven loads and loads carried on slopes
  • Turning too sharply
  • Lack of knowledge , skill, ability and experience
  • Maintenance and the use of correct tyres
Precautions to be taken to avoid accidents on ATVs
  • Wear a helmet
  • Wear appropriate footwear
  • Ensure that tracks and access-ways are maintained
  • Establish the safe routes and areas to ride an ATV
  • ATVS are not designed to carry passengers
  • Reduce your speed to a safe an appropriate level for the conditions
  • Avoid steep terrain
  • Complete a registered training course to increase the drivers knowledge, awareness and skill level
THINK about your options and DO act in the safest way.

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