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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Common Human Challenges

Being a good salesman and now a father I have come across a few challenges that we all come across in our daily lives. Allow me to share a few of these Challenges. 
  1. Fear & Insecurity: So may people are gripped today with the sense of fear. They fear for the future. They are afraid of loosing their jobs and providing for their families.they feel vulnerable at workplace. This vulnerability often fosters a resignation to riskless living and co-dependency with others at workplace and at home.
  2. "I want it now": People want things and they want it now. "I want money. I want a nice, big house, I want a big car, I want the biggest, nicest and the best entertainment system. I want it all and I deserve it." Thought with hire purchases and credit cards it makes it easier to "get now and pay later". But it will eventually sink in and set it., and we are sometimes reminded painfully that our purchases outstrip our ongoing ability to produce. the demands of interest are unrelenting and unforgiving. Even working hard is not enough.
  3. Blame and Victimism: Whenever we find  a problem, we usually will find the finger-pointing of blame. Everybody is addicted to playing the victim. Blaming everyone and everything else for our problems and challenges may be the norm and may provide temporary relief from the pain, but it also chains us to these very problems. Show me someone humble enough to accept and take responsibility for his or her actions and courageous enough to take whatever initiative necessary to creatively work his or her way through or around these challenges.
  4. Hopelessness: When we succumb to believing that we are victims of circumstances, we lose hope, we lose the drive, and we settle into resignation and stagnation. So may bright, talented people feel this and suffer the broad range of discouragement and depression that follows.
  5. Lack of Life Balance: Life in our cell phone society is getting more complex, demanding, stressful and absolutely exhausting. For all our efforts to manage our time, do more, be more, achieve more, why is it that we find ourselves increasingly in the "thick of thin things"? I believe that balance and peace follows that person who develops a clear sens of his or hers highest priorities and who lives with focus and integrity towards them.
  6. "What's in there for me?": Our culture teaches us that if we want something we have to look out for number one. "It says Life is a game, a race, a competition and you better win it." Of course we try to appear generous and cheer for others success, but in the heart , privately, many of us are eating our hearts out when others achieve. Many of the great things in history have been achieved with the determination of 'A' determined soul. I believe true greatness will be achieved through the abundant mind that works selflessly -with mutual respect, for mutual benefit.
Many people do not think that they face the above challenges, but they are part of our nature and our everyday life and interactions with colleagues, children, friends and family. In fact you will find that the principled solutions for the above challenges stand in  stark contrast to the common practices and thinking of our popular culture. Please feel free to contribute to these challenges, so that we all can have a better balanced and peaceful life.

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